Human Factors and Ergonomics Women’s Organization for Mentorship and Networking (HFE WOMAN) would like to announce the nomination period is now open for their 2025 awards. 

Nomination packets will be accepted through May 30, 2025. 

HFE WOMAN sponsors three awards each year, HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year, HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year, and the Rising Star Award. These awards are presented annually during the HFE WOMAN luncheon. 

HFES Full Members, Fellows, and Emeritus Fellows in good standing may nominate worthy candidates for the awards. Candidates need not be members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Candidates for the award may self-nominate or ask colleagues to submit nominations on their behalf. 

Nominees should submit the candidate’s résumé or curriculum vitae, a nominating letter, and at least one (but not more than two) letters of support from individuals who know the candidate well enough to assess his or her candidacy in terms of the award’s criteria

Send all nomination packages via email to the awards committee at hfewomanawards@gmail.com, and identify that it  is a nomination packet in the subject line (e.g., Nomination Woman Year). Please submit the package as a single file in PDF format.

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year

The HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding contribution made by an individual woman (or team of women, if applicable) to the Human Factors and Ergonomics community through research, academia, and/or service. This award honors women who have demonstrated excellence in their career and elsewhere, who make significant contributions in their community, and whose achievements make them leaders in changing the social and business landscape. Nominees can be at any stage of their career.

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year

The HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by an individual (man or woman) in the mentorship and professional advancement of women within the Human Factors and Ergonomics community. Nominees for this award should be mid-to-late career individuals with an extended history of mentoring, sponsoring, and/or otherwise advancing women professionals and students in the field of Human Factors.

HFE WOMAN Rising Star

The HFE Rising Star Award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by a student, group of students, or early career professional (<5 yrs post-graduation) to the Human Factors community through academia and/or service. This award honors women who have demonstrated excellence in their studies, who make significant contributions in their community, and demonstrate their commitment in advancing the field of Human Factors.

To nominate a candidate: 

Nominations:  HFES Full Members, Fellows, and Emeritus Fellows in good standing may nominate worthy candidates for the awards. Candidates need not be members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Candidates for the award may self-nominate or ask colleagues to submit nominations on their behalf.

Materials: Nominees should submit the candidate’s résumé or curriculum vitae, a nominating letter, and at least one (but not more than two) letters of support from individuals who know the candidate well enough to assess his or her candidacy in terms of the award’s criteria. Send all nomination packages via email to the awards committee at hfewomanawards@gmail.com, and identify that it is a nomination packet in the subject line (e.g., Nomination Woman Year).  Please submit the package as a single file in PDF format.

If you are interested in volunteering, please to contact hfewomanawards@gmail.com.  We can always use additional volunteers, especially from industry and academia.

Previous Awardees:

2024 Awardees

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year-  Oleksandra Molloy

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year - Lori Cavuoto

Rising Star Award - Oshin Tyagi


2023 Awardees

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year - Dr. Divya Srinivasan

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year  - Dr. Peter Hancock

HFE WOMAN Rising Star - Dr.  Emily Rickel


2022 Awardees

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year - Dr. Camille Peres

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year - Dr. Emily Patterson

HFE WOMAN Rising Star - Dr. Missie Smith

2021 Awardees

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year - Dr. Deborah Boehm-Davis

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year - Christy Harper

HFE WOMAN Rising Star - Courtney Rogers

2020 Awardees

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year – Dr. Ann Bisantz

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year – Dr. Carryl Baldwin

HFE WOMAN Rising Star - Ms. Na Du

2019 Awards

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year – Dr. Haydee Ceuvas

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year – Dr. Ranjana Mehta

HFE WOMAN Rising Star - Ms. Jackie Cha and Isis Chong

2018 Awards

HFE WOMAN Mentor of the Year – Dr. Wendy Rogers

HFE WOMAN Woman of the Year – Dr. Joy Rivera